Where We're Headed
We are part of the 21st century, aware of our galaxy, interested in earth sciences, archaeology, language studies, culture and anthropology, and how these contemporary fields of information impact our understanding of living faith. These disciplines shed fresh light on our Judeo-Christian-Islamic and other important stories of faith and action on earth.
Begun with in-home gatherings, we seek to be a center for soul-care and earth-care in the fertile lakes area of Southeast Wisconsin. We are located in a Big Brown Barn in the Upstairs Chapel complete with stained glass window. (This barn is a soil and crops research building!) Overlooking orchards and fields we worship and work, host active arts and thoughtful retreats. We offer Green Bible studies, baptisms, baby-naming, blessing services, coming of age, weddings, funerals and memorials, worship, Program Sundays with Interfaith focus, unique films, discussion groups,song and life-sharing.
With our Jewish sisters and brothers, we take on ourselves “Tikkun Olam”, those small practical acts of faith that repair what is broken among so many mortals who dwell on earth. With our sisters and brothers in Islam, we surrender our lives to a power greater than ourselves. We pray and seek to grow the kind of love that is inclusive, restorative and fosters deep peace.
You are invited to:
Renew your Spirit. Set your Spirit free of plus-sized consumer appetites and comparison-driven motivations, to break the bonds of ego and find the peace of Life that is fully human.
Restore your Hope. Work with old friends and make new ones, encouraging and empowering one another as couples, families and mature adults to share the Way of the Gospels; the way of profound spiritual thinkers world-wide.
Repair the Earth around you. Develop small group approaches to deeper spiritual life using the tools of our times to generate harmony on the Good Earth where we live and move and have our being. We think globally and act locally.
Grow your Faith. Study and share, grow and pray, worship and live with purpose and passion, using 21stcentury resources to help you and those you love face life’s hardest questions.