Where We Are

We Are Located in a Barn!

...Not your average barn, but a beautiful research facility...

…called the Honey Creek Collective. Our chapel space is accessible, warm and beautiful, with parking, a kitchen, bathrooms, an elevator, a ramp and great acoustics. We overlook acres of growing fields and orchards and test sites and Stella Gardens. This is a site where school children and university scientists, farmers and interns from many countries come to study soil conditions, biodynamic farming approaches (non-GMO), and crop types to feed a hungry world.

We celebrate Sunday services at 10:00 am, upstairs in the “Big Brown Barn” There is a RAMP and an elevator for baby carriages or walkers or chairs.

We host study and discussion groups, art exhibitions, musical and dramatic performances and annually honor an organization that cares for one of the four sacred elements: earth, water, energy and air.

The honoree receives the Good Earth Award at a special event toward the end of the year. Our activities are all centered on our beautiful home in the cosmos. Our mission is to be a lively center for soul-care and earth-care, at N8030 Townline Road, on the edge of East Troy, WI, very close to Alpine Valley.

We are commissioned by the very first book of our Judeo-Christian Scriptures to nurture the garden. We are growing our lively 21st century ecumenical faith community as we work together to care for our fragile home, this Good Earth. 262-684-5193 for more information.